Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sarbinowo with my girls

Early September. A three-day trip to the Baltic coast with Justyna and our puppy Fara. This time to Sarbinowo - a small fishing village (turning into a tourist resort in the summer) near Koszalin.

  fishing equipment is actually quite picturesque...

 ...when combined with sunset

view from our balcony

 Fara obviously has ADHD

 Justyna and Fara
(dunno where the strange skew distortion came from)

Justyna and Fara in the sun

Fara sniffing around

Fara smelling some flowers

Justyna on the top balcony of a lighthouse in Gąski village
(where a nuclear power plant was planned to be built
but eventually wasn't because the locals didn't agree)

statue of Mary Mother of God in Gąski village founded 
by the local people to "deliver us from the atom"... LOL

Fara in the evening light

Justyna taking photos of Fara

Sarbinowo says goodbye

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