Sunday, September 30, 2012

Let there be light!

Nishika N8000 cameras are equipped with a hot-shoe. I don't have the Twin Light made by Nishika but I do own a Canon Speedlite 270EX - a handy external flash dedicated for Canon PowerShot cameras. When used with an analog camera, there is no possibility to control the intensity, but the head is tilted so you can point it up for a ceiling bounce (60° or 90°). Additionally I use a diffusing cap. The film I used was a slightly expired FUJI (ISO 100), aperture setting - cloudy/shadow.

STEREO Wake Skis and rest of my wakeskiing stuff

assistant Peter and me at work at Bydgoszcz (EPBY) airport control tower

 Cessna FA150L aircraft at ADRIANA AVIATION Flight School in Watorowo (EPWT)

my Dad - pilot and flight simulator instructor at ADRIANA AVIATION

Schweizer 300 helicopter wagging its tail at ADRIANA AVIATION

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sarbinowo with my girls

Early September. A three-day trip to the Baltic coast with Justyna and our puppy Fara. This time to Sarbinowo - a small fishing village (turning into a tourist resort in the summer) near Koszalin.

  fishing equipment is actually quite picturesque...

 ...when combined with sunset

view from our balcony

 Fara obviously has ADHD

 Justyna and Fara
(dunno where the strange skew distortion came from)

Justyna and Fara in the sun

Fara sniffing around

Fara smelling some flowers

Justyna on the top balcony of a lighthouse in Gąski village
(where a nuclear power plant was planned to be built
but eventually wasn't because the locals didn't agree)

statue of Mary Mother of God in Gąski village founded 
by the local people to "deliver us from the atom"... LOL

Fara in the evening light

Justyna taking photos of Fara

Sarbinowo says goodbye

Onion Skin

One thing about photos taken with 3d cameras that annoys me is that when you compile them into a flickering GIF as they come (no cropping or aligning), the main subject of your photo often isn't the center of rotation (let's call it C.O.R.). And as a matter of fact it should be - to keep the viewer's attention on the subject. To achieve this, after isolating each of four photos from the scan, I imported them into Adobe Flash (each into a separate frame on the timeline) and then aligned using Onion Skin option (one of the small buttons in the bottom part of the timeline window) so that the chosen main subject remained in the same place. After cropping and saving as separate JPGs I used GIF Animator (Mac) with 0.1 sec delay to compile an animated GIF. Enjoy the effect!

 Justyna Fara and Wiki (C.O.R.) in Myślęcinek

Fara and Wiki (C.O.R.) in Myślęcinek

Justyna, Wiki (C.O.R.) and Fara in Myślęcinek

PS I might write a tutorial on this someday if anyone likes :-)