Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello World!

Ummm, yeah, so I'm starting my own blog... Something I never really thought would happen. That's because I never really felt the urge to share my deep thoughts with the World. And I still don't, ha! What pushed me towards the blogging thing was the need to share something else with some of my friends and, why not, the World... I recently bought a Nishika N8000 - an analog point-and-shoot camera with 4 parallel lenses allowing you to simultaneously take 4 photos, each from a slightly different angle. Now, if you put these 4 pics together in an infinitely looped animated GIF you get sort of a 3-dimensional effect. The problem is that Facebook doesn't support animated GIFs. Of course you could also take the most right and most left pic and make an anaglyph but it requires special fancy glasses, so the animated version seamed to me more appealing. So here I am, stay tuned. Feel free to criticize, praise, share, like, hate, etc.

Peace out,

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